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What if Happy Tails Rescue earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can! is a Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch how the donations really add up! ![]() Everything here is about your dog, cat or horse and what he wants.
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![]() There seems to be thousands of books about every aspect of dogs that anyone could imagine, we've chosen some of our favorites about various training techniques, agility, tracking, learning to bond, silly dog tricks and lots more and made them available to you. These are grouped on a separate page where you can easily purchase them if you find them interesting. Buying from our link will not cost you a penny extra and Happy Tails will earn a few cents from each purchase that helps support our rescue
efforts. In fact, I guess you could say that we've saved some of your time by doing the searching and picking some of our favorites that should have a broad appeal. At least we give them a PAWS UP! Or you can easily search on your home. Enjoy your reading!
If you are unhappy with the health of your animal friends and are thinking about herbs, essential oils, clays, homeopathy or other natural therapies, there are thousands of books on each of those very interesting topics and it could take quite a long time to get up to speed on them,
to save you some time, we've chosen some of our favorites and made them available to you through Amazon, and it won't cost you a penny extra! These are grouped on a separate page where you can easily purchase them if you find them interesting. Buying from our link will help Happy Tails earn a few cents from each purchase that will be used to help support our rescue
efforts. In fact, I guess you could say that we've saved some of your valuable time by doing the searching and picking some of our favorites that should have a broad appeal. At least we give them a PAWS UP! Or you can easily search on your home. Enjoy your reading!
Zara takes her treadmill exercise very seriously! Another "potentially dangerous dog" living beautifully with her family! Maybe you and your pooch need a
One afternoon in her backyard, Gerry Olin Greengrass sat gazing at her dog, Cocoa, as he stretched his forepaws out in front of him and leisurely raised his hindquarters to the sky. It was a position she had seen him assume hundreds of times before, but it was only in this moment that it finally dawned upon her: her dog was practicing yoga! Thus began Greengrass's journey to discover the what, why, and how of this heretofore undocumented canine spiritual discipline (in a human language, anyway). The glorious result of all of these patient hours spent observing dogs in deepest communion with their inner beings? Bow Wow Yoga-a complete guide to canine yoga for dog and loving master alike.
Far too often, we humans expect our dogs to understand what we say to them. Though we may spend a lot of time talking to them, we're really not communicating. And without proper communication, it's impossible to train a dog properly -- let alone make your human/canine relationship a rewarding one. Packed with unique insights and gentle training advice, The Rosetta Bone provides average dog owners with the know-how they need to decipher canine meanings, communicate effectively, increase training success, and share a deeper bond. Focusing on the behavioral basis, the silent symbols.. for learning, understanding, and communicating, expert dog trainer and competitor Cheryl S. Smith reveals how you can use your own body language to send a message and even teach a dog what specific words mean. She reveals how a dog's breed can affect his personality and explains how to decode, and correct, common behavior problems. With the knowledge and solutions this book provides, you will train more effectively, enjoy your dog more, and ease your own stress. What's more, you'll apply what you've learned immediately, with solid, practical advice.
Why "getting dominance" over your dog is a bad idea.
Why "rough and tumble primate play" can lead to trouble, and how to play with your dog in ways that are fun and keep him out of trouble.
How dogs and humans share personality types–and why most dogs want to live with benevolent leaders rather than "alphawannabees!"
"Dogs Are From Neptune" draws from real cases to provide clear, step-by-step advice for troubleshooting problems from obedience proofing stumpers to serious biters and fighters. Many of the owners presenting histories had made the rounds of trainers and behaviorists with no improvement prior to submitting their cases. The first three sections cover aggression, towards strangers, family members and other dogs. The aggression to strangers section contains a case of "socialization omission," to men specifically; a more globally aggressive dog with many triggers, a dog on the comeback trail from a bad beginning in life, a therapy dog with a good history that begins growling at certain people and the case of an exasperated family who feel they have a genetic misfit.
Use massage to help your dog relax, to condition the canine athlete, to assist in recovery from injuries or to ease chronic pain. Learn the techniques of a recognized expert in the field so that you can bring the well-known benefits of massage to your own dog or become a canine massage specialist. New edition has over 100 illustrations and 100 photos, detailed examinations of muscular stress points, diagnoses and treatments. You will learn the basics of canine anatomy and kinesiology; massage movements, pressures, techniques and systems; routines designed to address specific health problems; stretching and hydrotherapy techniques; tips on how to run a canine massage business, and more. Excellent source of information on dog anatomy as well.
Michael W. Fox Distinguished veterinarian and animal psychologist shares his pioneering 6 step massage technique through detailed illustrations, photos, and easy-to-read instructions, and provides information on how to understand your dog's anatomy, develop a massage routine, use massage to diagnose illness, and integrate it as part of overall care for your dog. Utilizing his proven massage program and holistic philosophy of animal well-being, Dr. Fox teaches you basic dog psychology, how massage can help your dog, how to create the best massage routine, how to diagnose illnesses, and even how to keep your dog in shape. 40 b/w photos, resources, index.
For the growing number of animal lovers seeking an alternative to Western medicine, this comprehensive approach to home animal care includes descriptions of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatments, with special emphasis placed on clear, uncomplicated approaches to acupressure and diet that readers can do themselves at home. Inlcudes two 16-page color inserts. Tellington-Jones, an animal handler, here collaborates with Taylor ( The Last Run ) to explain the "TTouch" as a simple therapeutic animal-handling technique.. "You make circles holding your fingertips, your fingers, or your hand in various positions using varying pressures" that produces diverse results. To judge from the author's work since 1976 with assorted species (cats, dogs, horses, farm animals, exotics, even reptiles), the TTouch can dramatically alter animal behavior and "problem" personalities, speed up healing, alleviate pain, relieve tension and allow the animal and its keeper to work as a sensitive, cooperative team. Used in conjunction with positive "visualization" and techniques for mind-body realignment meant to change keepers' attitudes toward themselves as well as animals, the TTouch appears to engage not only practical but mystical bodywork, encouraging more intuitive communication between animals and humans. Tellington-Jones stresses that animals are not "lesser" creatures fit for domination; rather, they are complex emotional beings with whom we can live with mutual trust and pleasure. Entertaining and often moving, the manual may well inspire many to try the technique.
So much aggression in dogs results from fear, but fear based problems can become worse if treated incorrectly. This booklet provides a step by step explanation of desensitizing and counter classical conditioning. It can help you solve minor behavioral problems and prevent serious ones, whether your dog fears include the vacuum cleaner, people with hats, or the stranger at the door. The oh so important details related to identifying exactly what triggers your dog, creating a step by step treatment plan, monitoring your progress, and why you need to treat the fear and not just your dog's reaction to the fear are covered. This book is on the top ten of the Dogwise book catalog and has helped thousands of dogs and their owners around the country. ![]() You're dog doesn't live to please you. There, we've said it. Contrary to what you've always heard, not all dogs want to earn their owner's approval. Sometimes they seem as if they could not care less. But this is no secret to you -- you know your dog's not Lassie. With this book you will come to understand and appreciate that for hundreds of years dogs were bred for qualities like independence, dominance and determination. While these traits make dogs excellent hunters, trackers and fighters, they can make day-to-day living with your pet a real challenge. Betty Fisher and Suzanne Delzio will teach you how to employ or overcome the traits that make your dog difficult to train. They will show how to use body language, food, voice, training structure and style to convince your stubborn dog to do what you ask. Without force, you can turn your difficult dog into a perfect pet, or even a successful show dog.
97 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR DOG SMILE is a gift of pure pleasure for dogs and the owners who love them. Created by Jenny Langbehn, a veterinary nurse who really knows what makes dogs happy, it combines the creative gift of touch, unexpected ways to rub, massage, scratch, tickle, and knead-with imaginative play scenarios that are just loopy enough to ensure that your dog will be amused, whether he's laughing with you or at you. And to heighten the pleasure of both reader and dog, adorable full-color photographs of smiling dogs accompany each entry. Just look at those dogs (you might say), what a tail-wagging, chop-licking, howling good time they're having. And see if your dog doesn't agree.
After Gary Kowalski, author and the minister of Burlington Vermont's Unitarian Universalist church, completed his new book, Goodbye, Friend, on dealing with losing your pet, his own elderly dog, Chinook, died. In his first book, The Souls of Animals, Kowalski wrote: "My own wise friend is my dog. He has deep knowledge to impart." Apparently, Chinook did his good work up until the end. Kowalski's new book is full of sound, compassionate advice to get you through the loss of your pet(s). Included are ideas for rituals and ceremonies, spiritual guidance and readings and poems to use for solace. The author's voice is a soothing one, not surprising for a minister whose job it is to be wise and reflective. The book also addresses animals' grieving; their life spans; their growth, illnesses and needs. These are similar to ours: need to eat, to exercise, to sleep, to have fun, to enjoy companionship and to expect routine. Kowalski includes advice on how to take care of yourself after the death of a pet and the importance of honesty when talking with children about this event. Kowalski's book is not only useful for healing when a good friend dies, but also reasserts his primary message: that animals are important, that "pets are not petty," that they deserve our respect and our kind care. As Kowalski writes, "Animals enrich our lives in countless ways, with their playfulness, their tranquility, their constancy, and their love..." This book will help readers mourn and remember them well.
"Wonderful Book--Very comforting! Highly recommended, May 25, 2004 Reviewer: Jodi from Oh, USA When I had to put my dog down due to Cancer, I was so depressed, and a friend told me about this book, I thank God that I got this book, If I could sum it up in 3 words..VERY WELL WRITTEN! Gary uses Bible references in the book, even if you are not religious I would sill recommend this book, Its such a comfort after losing a pet! Gary is a wonderful man, he even emailed me a couple times to see how I was doing! I really recommend this book to anyone who loves animals, and who may have a hole in your heart after saying good bye to a pet. Have you ever had a pet die? This enlightening new book brings comfort and gives real answers to tough questions about the death of your pet or animal friend. Don't go another day grieving over the loss of your pet without reading this book! This book sheds light on questions like: -What happens to pets when they die
-How to conduct a funeral for your pets
-How To Live With Your Pet FOREVER
-Why pets are welcomed through the gates of Heaven
-Conclusive evidence of pets and other animals in Heaven
-How to explain the death of a pet to children and soothe their fears
-Why it is important to God that pets and other animals live in Heaven
-How to comfort children and console friends over the loss of their pets
-How to make the hard decision and avoid guilt when having to put an animal to "sleep"
-Plus Much…Much…More! They know how to relax.
They forgive and forget.
And they only scratch where it itches.
They really know how to live... Every dog lover knows that man's best friend is sincere and loyal and knows how to have fun - and that dogs are wonderful creatures who have no difficulty showing their
love openly. Filled with captivating photos of dogs, both deep in thought and diligently at play, this delightful volume teaches you everything you need to know...from a dog's-eye view. Dogs Don't Bite When a Growl Will Do is an insightful, engaging,
and witty guide to the collective wisdom of our constant companions...and illustrates how we can all benefit from becoming a little more canine in our human interactions.
A study in quiet contemplation, nothing can match the measured calm and serene beauty of the meditative cat. From a ginger tom surveying his kingdom to a silver tabby waiting with endless patience by the mouse hole, the cats in this charming book perfectly represent the seductive appeal of our elegant feline friends. Filled with adorable, full-color photos and quotations from poets, mystics, and other imaginative writers, this volume offers a wonderful insight into cats and their world.
SimplyDog is a dog's-eye view of modern living. Reh is no ordinary dog. For Reh, life is a journey toward harmony, fulfillment, and self-acceptance, not just mindlessly chasing after cars and happiness. And whether she's dating, coming home from work, or just de-stressing, Reh shares what she learns in a Bark--a phrase that helps her achieve, overcome, or just simply cope. As Reh demonstrates in SimplyDog, the right attitude can make all the difference. In photos and text, Reh delivers the Bark in 27 lessons we all can relate to: Whatever you do, make it look good; Perfection is overrated; Everyone needs something to believe in.
Since we don't speak "Basic Bark," the best way to canine-communicate is through touch. Regular Dog Massage sessions give dogs the attention they crave and the affection they need, and the techniques explained in this book are designed to: - Relax tense, overworked muscles
- Help puppies benefit from touch, especially during their prime socialization period
- Aid early detection of health problems
- Improve sociability and help calm a "Rowdy Rover"
- Promote cooperation during grooming and visits to the vet
- Enhance that loving bond between you and your dog Recommended by veterinarians and dog experts, massage is an essential part of your pet's health care. Dog Massage gives you all the skills you need, including: - Basic Massage Motions, Hand Positions, Speeds, Pressures and Moods
- Over 50 Massage Techniques from Whiskers to Tail
- Advanced Techniques and "White Glove Treatments"
- How to "Voice Massage"
The Tilfords' book introduces readers to hundreds of plant medicines that can be used in the daily care of animals. The authors, both herbalists, begin with a chapter on the principles and practices of herbalism, explaining the basics of herbal preparations and what they call the "ethical use of herbs." They discuss the connection between herbs and diet and give guidelines for feeding dogs and cats. The bulk of the book is a 191-page guide to herbs for animals. Each entry includes a description of the plant, its habitat and range, its cycle and bloom season, preparation, common uses, availability, and propagation and harvest techniques. Also included are a warning of its side effects--if any--and a photograph of the plant. There's a wealth of information here, enabling pet owners to select, prepare, and apply natural remedies, some of which may be growing in their own backyards.
For anyone who has ever dreamed of being able to really talk to their dogs--and 'hear' what they have to say. Akin to Monty Roberts's The Man Who Listens to Horses and going light-years beyond The Hidden Life of Dogs or any training manual, Suzanne Clothier takes a radical new direction in understanding our life with dogs...and our mutual love. Drawing on a lifetime of experience with dogs, this nationally renowned dog trainer brings us astonishing new lessons about our animals--and ourselves. Gently, with intelligence, humor, and unfailing patience, Suzanne Clothier guides us to truly comprehend another creature's mind and heart. You will discover how our dogs see the world from their uniquely canine perspective, how we can meet their deep need for leadership without using force or coercion, and how the "laws" of canine culture often put our dogs at odds with us and our very human world. Clothier's unparalleled insights into aggression in dogs can help prevent a tragedy, including the unnecessary destruction of a pet. In these pages, you will meet unforgettable dogs who will capture, and perhaps break, your heart. There is Badger--handsome, curious, and perhaps dangerous. Can his threatening behavior be changed? Though doomed by a congenital heart murmur, the winsome pup McKinley offers an unforgettable lesson in living. Then aging Vali brings us to the moment that all dog owners must someday face: the loss of a devoted companion. But what this old dog teaches us in her last days may change you forever. As in no other "dog book" or training manual, in BONES WOULD RAIN FROM THE SKY an extraordinary woman shows us how to find a deep connection with another being and to receive an incomparable gift: a profound, lifelong relationship with the dog you love. A HANDY REFERENCE FROM AMERICA'S FAVORITE HERBALIST. Did you know that the oats you eat can also soothe itchy skin when put in your bath? That witch hazel shrinks hemorrhoids? From the herbs Americans take most to lesser-known medicinal plants, this readable and revealing guide helps you make smart choices about your health. The most thorough and comprehensive herb reference of its kind, THE GREEN PHARMACY HERBAL HANDBOOK was compiled from Dr. Duke's database of the world's medicinal plants. The database, which he began during his career as a top botanist with the USDA, is a major resource for herbalists around the world. Written in Dr. Duke's own folksy, jargon-free language, this important reference work explains each herb with care. NOTE: EXCELLENT FOUR PAWS UP!
LEARN THE TRUTH! A chronicle of the abuse of power and of the manufacture of state sponsored medical propaganda, The Fluoride Deception reveals how military and industry scientists and public health officials buried information about fluoride's potential for harm, while promoting its use in dentistry. The book reveals that fluoride pollution was the greatest legal threat facing the Manhattan Project and how a group of powerful Cold War industries, who all faced extensive litigation for fluoride pollution, collaborated with officials from the National Institutes of Dental Research, laundering fluoride's public image. We'll sit with the famous doctor who reported in the 1950's that fluoride was a systemic poison, with tens of thousands of citizens uniquely sensitive to even tiny doses. We'll walk the cobbled streets of Donora, Pennsylvania, in the aftermath of the nation's most notorious air pollution disaster in 1948, and meet the scientist who blamed fluoride for the deaths. And, when a superstar toxicologist is fired in 1995, after discovering that fluoride affects the central nervous system, we'll uncover a stunning connection to the WWII atomic bomb program. Today that scientist joins a growing number of health experts who call fluoride a venomous and hydra-headed poison. They suspect its involvement in a host of modern illnesses, including arthritis, bone cancer, and emphysema, and a spectrum of central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer's disease and attention deficit disorder.
First published by Houghton Mifflin in 1962, Silent Spring alerted a large audience to the environmental and human dangers of indiscriminate use of pesticides, spurring revolutionary changes in the laws affecting our air, land, and water. "Silent Spring became a runaway bestseller, with international reverberations . . . [It is] well crafted, fearless and succinct . . . Even if she had not inspired a generation of activists, Carson would prevail as one of the greatest nature writers in American letters" (Peter Matthiessen, for Time"s 100 Most Influential People of the Century). This fortieth anniversary edition celebrates Rachel Carson"s watershed book with a new introduction by the author and activist Terry Tempest Williams and a new afterword by the acclaimed Rachel Carson biographer Linda Lear, who tells the story of Carson"s courageous defense of her truths in the face of ruthless assault from the chemical industry in the year following the publication of Silent Spring and before her untimely death in 1964.
Unlock the Power of the Positive Within You and Your Dog to Achieve All Your Training Goals. Access your power! In this long-awaited book by one of the leading proponents of positive dog training, Pat Miller demonstrates how you can train your dog, have fun, and build a lasting relationship at the same time. Walk away from punishment-based training methods and learn how you can reward your dog to obtain and reinforce the behaviors you could only dream about achieving Access your dog's power! When you apply Pat's Positive Training Principles and follow Pat's unique six-week training program, your dog will learn to think and to choose proper behavior. The Power of Positive Dog Training will transform you and your dog into an unbeatable team, capable of addressing any challenge you may encounter. ![]() Note: These are just some of the many excellent books that will warm your heart, help expand your communication level with your pooch and are well worth the stolem moments to make time to read some of them. Happy Tails can benefit from your purchase, and it won't cost you a penny additional. Check out these hand selected books on training, herbs, agility and lots more doggy stuff. If you buy here, it won't cost you a penny more, but Happy Tails will earn a few cents from your purchase, it all adds up and it will help support our rescue efforts. ![]() ![]() ![]()
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do guarantee that all products are completely natural, unadulterated and are synthetic
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quality and fully identified on our labels.. The potency, color, aroma and taste in natural foods and herbs can vary from batch to batch, depending
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cannot guarantee or prove any effect. Only our Creator knows why something works. We're a small business and many of your selections are made fresh when you order, for this reason we
appreciate your patience, we generally mail within 7 to 10 business days from receipt, some herbal tinctures will take longer, and we will glady refund your full product amount, if we send an incorrect order, otherwise, personal products are not refunded. We
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