There are various Pre Planned Donation options: This general information is provided as a guideline and not as legal advice. We suggest you consult with your attorney to determine the best strategey for you associated with any pre planned donation opportunities to determine which is best for your circumstances. * Life Celebrations?~ Life Celebrations More Info * Bequests ~ Leaving a legacy for animals through your will. More Info * Charitable Gift Annuities ~~ A source of fixed income for life. More Info * Charitable Remainder Trusts~ ~ Excellent means for those with significantly appreciated assets. More Info * Charitable Lead Trusts~ ~ For donors who exceeded annual limits for income tax deductions on charitable giving. More Info * Happy Tails Rescue as Beneficiary~~ Enables you to make a significant donation without touching your estate's capital. More Info * Gifts of Property/Real Estate~ ~ Gifts of appreciated property can be given to Happy Tails Rescue through Deed of Trust, will or living trust. Making Happy Tails Rescue the Successor Interest of a Contract or Promissory Note. More Info
This general information is provided as a guideline and not as legal advice. We suggest you consult with your attorney to determine the best strategey for you associated with any pre planned donation opportunities to determine which is best for your circumstances. * Life Celebrations?~ Life Celebrations More Info * Bequests ~ Leaving a legacy for animals through your will. More Info * Charitable Gift Annuities ~~ A source of fixed income for life. More Info * Charitable Remainder Trusts~ ~ Excellent means for those with significantly appreciated assets. More Info * Charitable Lead Trusts~ ~ For donors who exceeded annual limits for income tax deductions on charitable giving. More Info * Happy Tails Rescue as Beneficiary~~ Enables you to make a significant donation without touching your estate's capital. More Info * Gifts of Property/Real Estate~ ~ Gifts of appreciated property can be given to Happy Tails Rescue through Deed of Trust, will or living trust. Making Happy Tails Rescue the Successor Interest of a Contract or Promissory Note. More Info
Celebrations Why not celebrate life with Happy Tails Rescue? Just consider all of the special events in your life, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, promotions, graduations, new baby, new fur child, graduation, special occasion or "just because". You can ask family and friends to make a donation to Happy Tails Rescue as a unique and rewarding gift, or as a memorial for a beloved Rottweiler. Remember we can accept almost anything and convert it into cash or something else tangible, consider donating Stocks, Bonds, and Securities. This may be a great way of helping the animals, while also achieving specific tax benefits. Appreciated stocks can be subject to capital gains tax when sold; however, by transferring your stock shares directly to Happy Tails Rescue, rather than selling them you can avoid all capital gains and resulting taxes. Plus, the IRS allows you to claim, on your itemized Federal income taxes, the full fair market value of the shares as a charitable gift. back to top of page Bequest A personal will is an important and powerful legal document that can be custom drafted with your attorney. Having a will is essential to ensure that your wishes are carried out to your specifications and that your property is distributed according to your wishes rather than the capricious laws of the state. With a will you won't have to worry that your animals, family or friends aren't provided for. You could consider leaving a specific amount to various charities such as Happy Tails Rescue Association. There are various types of Bequests that can be made through your will: Specific Bequest: Speecifies a dollar amount, real or property to pass on to Happy Tails. Percentage Bequest: Your gift to Happy Tails can be based on a specific percentage of your total estate Residual Bequest: Instructs that the remainder remainder of your estate, or any portion thereof, after all expenses and other bequests have been made. Your generous bequest to Happy Tails Rescue is not subject to Federal or estate taxes, and there's no minimum or maximum amount of the deduction. Most importantly, your bequest to Happy Tails Rescue will help ensure our ability to provide rescue, care and sanctuary for animals in the future. back to top of page Charitable Gift Annuity Gift annuities could be a good option for donors over 64 years of age. Don't let the volitile stock market keep you awake. A Gift Annuity can provide a source of secure, fixed income for life. A Happy Tails Rescue Charitable Gift Annuity requires just a minimum of $5,000 and provides an immediate tax deduction. Check with your attorney and broker for more information. back to top of page Charitable Remainder Trusts Provides the donor with great flexibility but is a rather complexA estate planning option. For those with significantly appreciated assets, such as rental or investment property, who want to receive income for life. Basically the donor transfers the asset to the trust, where it is sold, avoiding capital gains tax. The proceeds are then either invested with the donor or other named beneficiary receiving payments for life or a set term. The remaining principal is considered a gift to Happy Tails Rescue at the end of the trust's life. Consult with your attorney to learn more about setting up a Charitable Remainder Trust. back to top of page Charitable Lead Trusts With this type of trust, the donor gifts an asset to Happy Tails Rescue for a specified number of years. At the end of the term, the asset is then transferred to another specified person as a reduced gift and estate tax rate. This type of trust can be arranged during your lifetime through your attorney. The trust's income can be excluded from your own income thereby gaining a tax advantage. This type of trust does not provide you with immediate tax deduction advantages. This type of trust makes sense for donors who exceeded the annual limits on income tax deduction for charitable gifts. Please consult your attorney to arrange a Charitable Lead Trust.. back to top of page Beneficiary With this type of trust, the donor gifts an asset to Happy Tails Rescue for a specified number of years. At the end of the term, the asset is then transferred to another specified person as a reduced gift and estate tax rate. This type of trust can be arranged during your lifetime through your attorney. The trust's income can be excluded from your own income thereby gaining a tax advantage. This type of trust does not provide you with immediate tax deduction advantages. This type of trust makes sense for donors who exceeded the annual limits on income tax deduction for charitable gifts. Please consult your attorney to arrange a Charitable Lead Trust.. back to top of page Real Estate This is one of the most flexible and creative ways of gifting. Appreciating property is very easily liquidated through a thriving real estate market. However, even depreciated property or less desirable property also has value through real estate exchanges and can often realize more than it would if just marketed locally. Real property can either be given via a will or while the donor can live and enjoy seeing the tangible results of his gift. The donor would receive an estate tax charitable deduction for the full value of the property; however, a qualified appraisal (obtained no earlier than 60 days before you make the gift) is necessary to substantiate your income tax deduction. Happy Tails Rescue can also receive a gift of real property via Quit Claim or Grand Deed on free and clear properties. Happy Tails could also be assigned a promissory note and deed of trust from a contractual sale of real property. Again, this is such a creative means of gifting your monthly income payments for a fixed period of time from your contract sale. You may be able to designate Happy Tails Rescue as the successor interest to receive any payments that continue after your death. back to top of page Happy Tails Rescue Association 511 E Broadway Goldendale, Wa 98620 509.773.4100 Contributions to Happy Tails Rescue are tax deductable and we'll be happy to send you a receipt by return mail.
Just consider all of the special events in your life, such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, promotions, graduations, new baby, new fur child, graduation, special occasion or "just because".
You can ask family and friends to make a donation to Happy Tails Rescue as a unique and rewarding gift, or as a memorial for a beloved Rottweiler.
Remember we can accept almost anything and convert it into cash or something else tangible, consider donating Stocks, Bonds, and Securities.
This may be a great way of helping the animals, while also achieving specific tax benefits.
Appreciated stocks can be subject to capital gains tax when sold; however, by transferring your stock shares directly to Happy Tails Rescue, rather than selling them you can avoid all capital gains and resulting taxes. Plus, the IRS allows you to claim, on your itemized Federal income taxes, the full fair market value of the shares as a charitable gift.
There are various types of Bequests that can be made through your will:
Specific Bequest: Speecifies a dollar amount, real or property to pass on to Happy Tails.
Percentage Bequest: Your gift to Happy Tails can be based on a specific percentage of your total estate
Residual Bequest: Instructs that the remainder remainder of your estate, or any portion thereof, after all expenses and other bequests have been made.
Your generous bequest to Happy Tails Rescue is not subject to Federal or estate taxes, and there's no minimum or maximum amount of the deduction. Most importantly, your bequest to Happy Tails Rescue will help ensure our ability to provide rescue, care and sanctuary for animals in the future. back to top of page
Donate Online, please will you help fill our bucket? If everyone that visited our site and was moved by it or the stories of the Rotts, your spare change can literally help save lives. Most people don't give because of a lack of generosity, but because they feel their gift is insufficient. Every little drop of even $1.00 or $2.00 ( that's less than a large SODA) is very important and would help fill and eventually over flow our bucket.
What if Happy Tails Rescue earned a penny every time you searched the Internet? Or how about if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can! is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch how the donations really add up! also offers a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause. Since it doesn't cost anything and you get proven search results, there's no reason not to use it! We hope you'll not only use GoodSearch as your main search engine from now on, but will also tell your friends, family and co-workers so they, too, can start using GoodSearch to support their favorite cause! Every little bit really does add up and can make a big difference for Happy Tails and the animals it supports. Why wouldn't you do it? Every little bit really does add up and can make a big difference for Happy Tails and the animals it supports. is a new Yahoo-powered search engine that donates half its advertising revenue, about a penny per search, to the charities its users designate. Use it just as you would any search engine, get quality search results from Yahoo, and watch how the donations really add up! also offers a new online shopping mall which donates up to 37 percent of each purchase to your favorite cause! Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you’ll be supporting your favorite cause. Since it doesn't cost anything and you get proven search results, there's no reason not to use it! We hope you'll not only use GoodSearch as your main search engine from now on, but will also tell your friends, family and co-workers so they, too, can start using GoodSearch to support their favorite cause! Every little bit really does add up and can make a big difference for Happy Tails and the animals it supports. Why wouldn't you do it? Every little bit really does add up and can make a big difference for Happy Tails and the animals it supports.
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