Top 10 Reasons To DNA Test Your Dog
1. Curiosity. "What breed is your dog?" is often the #1 question owners of mixed breed dogs get asked. And most are never sure how to answer. A DNA test will serve to answer the question and satisfy the most curious of dog owners.
2. Training. Knowing the breeds in your dog is the key to understanding their personality traits. This allows dog owners to focus on the unique habits of their dog's specific breed heritage when training and socializing the dog. Every breed comes with its own hereditary personality traits created from centuries of breeding. A dog with terrier breeds will require different training methods than a hound or a retriever mix. Each type of dog, and even each breed, has its own special triggers, which can be key to making sure your dog is
properly trained.
3. Health. As the primary caregiver to your dog, knowing the genetic health risks associated with your dog's breeds and discussing them with your veterinarian are vital to your dogs well being. One of the most important reasons to know the breeds in your dog is to make sure you are aware of the genetic health risks associated with these specific breeds. All breeds are susceptible to specific genetic health risks.
4. Love. A DNA My Dog DNA test provides you with a registered ID number and a certificate of your dog's own unique DNA genetic make-up. This certificate is suitable for framing and is a wonderful piece of history you can keep forever. We know you love your dog. At DNA My Dog we understand the special connection you have with your dog, we love our dogs, too. We have created a package of results you can be proud of.
5. Price. Only a few years ago the cost of DNA testing was well into the hundreds of dollars. With advances in processing and equipment, today's DNA tests, especially those for dogs, are now more affordable than ever. A test that used to cost hundreds of dollars is now about $70.
6. Ease. Collecting cheek cell samples (buccal samples) is the most accurate and easy way of testing for DNA. For every critical application where DNA is required it is typically a cheek swab that is used. For example, if you are watching CSI on TV, the investigators take a cheek swab to match a suspects DNA to evidence found at a crime scene. Globally, DNA databases used for matching DNA have been built by using cheek swabs. Blood samples are simply not the only, or the preferred, way to collect DNA samples for forensics labs,
the FBI or any other organization that routinely collects DNA.
7. Fast. The same advances in technology that have brought down the price of DNA testing have also sped up the process. Historically results often took up to 6 weeks or more. Today, once our lab receives a sample, the DNA is immediately extracted and processed. Results are then validated and reported in less than two weeks.
8. Painless. Collecting a sample from your dog is easy and painless. The special provided polyester type swab is rubbed inside your dog's cheek for about 20-30 seconds. This is done twice in case there is not enough DNA on each swab or more DNA is needed. The entire process takes under 2 minutes.
9. Confirmation. Often, dog owners are told their dog is a certain breed. In all but the most papered and registered dog this is inaccurate. Determining a breed by physical appearance is simply not a valid way of identifying breed make up. Many mixes can take on the physical characteristics of other breeds while not having the DNA of that breed at all. For example many Boxer and Labrador Retriever mixes can resemble German Shepherd and even Pit Bull type dog mixes.
10. Exciting. Having a DNA test on your dog is fun and exciting. Most of our clients are referred by friends and family who have done the test themselves. If you are curious or unsure of the breeds that make up your dog, try a DNA My Dog test today!
Can you think of other reasons? Here's a few that immediately come to mind.
Ever been refused a rental because of your dog's breed? What if you could wave a certificate of DNA lab results showing your dog's true breed composition?
What if a friend of relative is scared to death of your sweet pooch because it looks like a dreaded, scary dog? Again just show them the composition.
Even if your dog may have some of the scary breed in him, it might be less than 5%, so that works as a point of using logic to win over family and friends.
On the other hand a sweet, silly, goofy dog that everyone loves might turn out to have some of those scary relatives in his genetic make up, yet because everyone already loves him, they become more accepting and informed about those fearsome breeds.
A multiple composition dog gives you the unique opportunity of creating a new designer dog breed name! Tell that to the landlord or family and friends!
Knowing your dog's composition will help you understand why he has herding instincts, or why he prefers to launch himself into water every chance he gets.
Did you buy or resuce the type of dog that you thought you did? Does it really matter, as long as you are well bonded and connected?
Importance Of Breed Results
Your companion animals' wellness is perhaps the most important part of ownership.
Acquiring genetic breed heritage knowledge goes a long way to help provide you with education so you can learn about, and understand, everything about your dog and his special health and behavior traits.
This gives you a chance to be proactive about many factors of your dog's life, and a chance to stop traits that are a natural part of your dog's composition.
You'll gain insight into your dog's very unique genetic background, including the history of their breed, personality traits and much more!
This will help you be aware of any diseases that your dog may be predisposed to, so you can take preventative measures if needed.
Discover The Secrets Of Your Dog
You'll get a personalized document of EVERY breed in your dog's unique genetic code:
* You learn abou tthe major health concerns you should be aware of
* You will be better able to undertand breed specific health risks and personality traits.
* You get a beautiful gold embossed certificate which is suitable for framing.
* Your dog will have his own unique DNA profile number
* You'll receive a personalized chart of all of the personality traits and health risks of all of the breeds found in your dog's composition profile.
* Results in just 2 weeks!
Fast, Easy and Affordable!
This easy and affordable at home Canine DNA Test is performed by one of the leading genetic testing labs in North America. It will identify with over 99.75% accuracy all of the breeds in any dog.
Experience indicates that approximately 3% of all DNA canine testing will yield results that are inaccurate or cannot be interpreted. The reasons for this are:
Dogs have extremely high levels of oral bacteria which may result in degeneration of the sample before our DNA extraction process commences.
Just Donate $10 Online and Happy Tails Rescue Association will send you the Canine DNA Test Kit with complete instructions on how to perform the check swab. You'll mail your swab and $62.00 to the address included in the instructions. We hope you'll be pleasantly surprised and share your stories.!
Donate Online
Heart To Heart Healing
"Energy Healing for people, animals and environments; private sessions and classes. Pranic Healing is a no-touch modality that can address physical issues (both chronic and acute), as well as mental/emotional issues such as stress, depression, anxiety, addictions and phobias. Pranic Healing works local and long-distance."
Doc is lucky enough to live with his mom, Liza.
A Healthy Practice in Portland Oregon brings almost 20 years of Macrobiotics expertise to you. Choose from colon hydrotherapy, liver cleanse, individualized weight loss, herbal support or special nutritional programs specific to the person. Linda is a gentle healer who also knows a thing or two about the dietary and herbal needs of your animal friends.
See what Linda has to say about vaccinations: Two Beauties Full Of Love And Happiness
Stella, Carlie and Sammy have shared their holistic lives with their mom, Linda.
AIHA Canine autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is a disease characterized by increased destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) by the dog's own immune
system. This was the disease one of our adopted Rotts got after a single rabies vaccine. She survived and is thrived 5 beautiful years in spite of modern medicine.
Dr. Rob Robertson, M.D writes "Nearly everything that goes wrong with us and our pets, with the exception of trauma - i.e. broken bones, etc., can be traced directly to an immune system
failure". Pollution, drug overload and nutrient-poor diets compromise our immune health. The key to self-healing is a strong defense system, which protects dogs and cats from everything from the
flu germs to cancer cells. More than their mainstream counterparts, holistic veterinarians believe that a weak immune
system plays a key role in causing disease. Drugs aren't the answer for immune enhancement. The immune system is not responsive to
drugs for healing. Antibiotics fight infection, but they don't affect whatever weakened the immune system in the first place. This is
why holistic veterinarians focus less on things that cause diseases and more on those that affect the body's defenses"
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All you have to do is click on the link and make sure that it shows Happy Tails as your favorite charity. It doesn't cost you a cent, but earns us one. Please?
GoodShop.com also offers a convenient, exciting online shopping mall which donates a portion of each purchase to your favorite cause! That's us, right? Hundreds of great stores including Amazon, Target, Gap, Best Buy, ebay, Macy's and Barnes & Noble have teamed up with GoodShop and every time you place an order, you'll be supporting your favorite cause.
Since it doesn't cost you anything and you get proven search results, can you think of any reason not to use it? We hope you'll not only use GoodSearch.com as your main search engine from now on, but will also tell your friends, family and co-workers so they, too, can start using GoodSearch to support their favorite cause! Every little bit really does add up and can make a big difference for Happy Tails and the animals it supports.
Why wouldn't you want to do it?

Sign up for Free Happy Tails Newsletter!
Happy Tails Newsletter will be offering exciting training tips, educational, natural health information and specials on our Natural Farmacy collections, formulated for Mutts & Men, Nags & Hags, Fillies & Friends & Ewe Too!
Our focus covers many hot topics ignored by the Industrial media, corruption, politics, natural health, radiation poisoning, indigenous populations, activism and social reflections of this time on Planet Earth. Find out what your dog might really be saying to you? Can he trust and believe your body language? If you were a dog, would you pass a "temperament test' ? Does your dog respect you or treat you more like a chew toy? Can you really share your Mango Orange Extreme Body Butter with your pooch?
In order to receive our unconventional, wild & untamed newsletters, we need to hear from you.
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Happy Tails until we meet again!
Report An Adverse Drug Experience With The FDA We encourage you
to report all adverse drug experience, it may help save another animal's life. Adverse effects may show up weeks or months after the drug or vaccination.

"Brain Work For Smart Dogs
Are You Stimulating Your Dog's Intelligence - or is he Challenging YOURS?

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We neither breed, board nor sell Rottweilers and are NOT classified as a kennel, but
rather as a private charitable rescue sanctuary. Your donations
to us are considered gifts and are not for value received. All of the
Rotties are homed with us, rehabilitated, fed, loved and
nourished back to good physical, mental & spriritual health so that they're ready for their
exceptional new homes.
Adoptions are by appointment only and after you've been approved for adoption.
For protection of the Rottweilers, our sanity and in
order to minimize stressful or territorial reactions, all
adoption appointments & surrenders are done at our office,
or other neutral territory. Your other indoor dogs are also
invited to attend & participate in the selection of your new
family member! Unannounced visitors are not appreciated and will not be accommodated.
Copyright All Rights Reserved 2010 Toni Reita ND
Under the current FDA laws in the united States, it is illegal to make any medical claims for any health supplements or any other natural product. This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to make any medical claims, diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any physical
or mental condition, nor to prescribe any substance. This site provides helpful natural information and is supported by compensation from quality advertisers and affiliate relationships.