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participate in the rewarding experience of rescue, adoption
networking & rehoming spayed & neutered Rottweilers of
all temperaments, personalities, sizes, shapes, energies, &
of all ages. This gentle breed is getting an undeserved poor
reputation because of a few careless, misguided owners, who
through neglect, greed, abuse or poor and improper treatment
teach these powerful dogs unacceptable behaviour. With proper
care, a strong mind and gentle treatment the Rottweiler is one
of the finest companion animals available; gentle, playful,
protective, intelligent and loyal to the last breath.
can be wonderful with the entire family and even make tender
baby sitters if your toddler doesn't mind wet ROTTI KISSES!
Rotties learn to enjoy other animal friends both big and small,
but everything requires training, adjustment and an investment
of your time and energies. Rottweilers were never intended to be
the most popular dog in the United States, thankfully they've
moved down considerably. They are large, powerful, playful and
can injure someone quite by accident or intention. People sadly
mistake some of the more boisterous behavior or barking as
aggression, when normally it's just enthusiasm. Rottweilers are
very much oriented towards humans and will suffer if not
included in family activities. They are not a dog to be tied up
and ignored in the back yard, that is cruel for any animal.
nature and breed standard the Rottweiler is somewhat aloof
initially, may not welcome overly familiar advances from
strangers and may exhibit warning growls if handled improperly.
This is normal and we consider it unrealistic to expect anything
different. Dogs are dogs and they often behave like dogs. When you first meet a new animal if you treat him
with the same respect & distance that you would a human
stranger you will go far in more quickly winning that animals
interest & trust. On the other hand it's unacceptable to be
overly familiar, touchy, huggy or exhibit any of the other
ludicrous behaviors included among many temperament tests.
Naturally, it's crucial to be reasonably certain whether a
particular Rottweiler is going to blend with your family,
environment, circumstances & expectations. That's part of
our Adoption process, to responsibly match you with the most
appropriate Rottweiler for your particular environment,
considering your energy level, how much time you have available, your personality, family activities, other animals and
many factors......At times there may be several
Rottweilers that would blend with your circumstances, other
times we may not have a suitable Rott for you. Our primary
commitment, obligation and duty is to find each Rottweiler his
exceptional home, our secondary rewards are the happy humans who
love them, spoil them and share their stories & photos with us.

on the individual dog and owner, ample opportunities exist to
explore many exciting activities, such as tracking, herding,
carting, schutzhund or agility, where these athletic dogs excel.
Rotties make excellent professional search and rescue workers,
have natural herding instincts, hold world cart pulling records
and are compassionate, intuitive and obedient therapy dogs. If
you can think of it, your Rotti can learn it and enjoy many
other sports and hobbies. Be prepared for an animal that may
rival if not surpass your intelligence & creativity...and
that's not an insult! It's a challenge that you must be prepared
to meet if you want to welcome a Rotti into your family.
dogs are bright, eager, goofy with sharp minds and are willing
to learn and enjoy having a job to do, even if their job just
means loving you. All Rottweilers are black & various
shades of mahogany or brown and the similarities end there. If
there was ever an individualistic animal, it is the Rottweiler.
They are slightly stubborn, can develop "selective" hearing
and are, at other times, quite capable of making you the focus of their
attention. If there is a squirrel that needs chasing, don't expect your Rotti to have 100% perfect recall, you
will be acknowledged and then put on his "to do" list...when he's finished chasing that scent, he'll come trotting back to you.
Some Rotts are at the extreme energy range and GO GO GO,
others just long to take a nap on the couch and have you bring
them a cookie on your way by.....all of them are mouthers,
kissers, cuddlers, talkers, and with very sensitive temperaments
& sweet dispositions with feelings that can be easily
damaged. Some like playing with a ball or other doggy things,
while others consider that mundane and unworthy of their
pursuits. We are not being anthropomorphic....we have learned
amazing things from these wonderful creatures. We are all related and connected by that same web.
your life long companion and faithful friend, is a wonderful
opportunity and something you can feel good about supporting. In
multi million dollar "shelter" facilities, built and supported with your
donations thousands of Rottweilers are slaughtered in every state. Washington state "shelters" generally slaughter
around 2,000 Rottweilers yearly. The Human Society admits to
killing between six & nine million companion animals
annually, nationwide. Those numbers represent only "adoptable" animals
( most profitable ), not factoring in unadoptable ( too old, too
fat, "aggressive" those with medical needs, not cute enough etc). If every animal that was killed
in a shelter were counted as "adoptable" those numberswould explode dramatically.
We have become a nation that kills that which it considers surplus or
inconvenient. Many of these slaughtered animals including all
the drugs used to kill them are sold to renderers by the pound, where they are worth more dead than alive.
On kill days, many of the shelters have the USDA meat inspector
stroll the aisles, estimating the health of the animals about to
be massacred. Don't you ever wonder what happens to the millions and millions of executed animals?
Many of these killed animals are sold to renderers and end up classified by the USDA
as "meat by products" that may end up in inexpensive commercial dog
foods. Is it any wonder why our animals are dying younger and
younger of cancer & other diseases? Please consider this
before y ou choose to surrender your animal or turn him into a
shelter. The odds of him surviving are not as good as they would
have you believe. Some shelters work diligently with rescue groups to save as
many lives as possible, and we applaud their hard work, many others are little more than publically financed, highly profitable
extermination centers. Often the ones with the most money and the ones you're least likely to suspect are the ones with cooked books on their kill rates and do everything possible to alienate rescues. Some even
go so far to proclaim themselves virtually "no kill".....just remember how they arrive at those manipulated numbers.
adoption and rehoming process is something we take very
seriously and is not a process to be rushed, nor are there short
cuts to selecting a life long companion that blends with your
lifestyle and environment. We're selective, discriminating and
are looking for exceptional homes.. Please consider your choices
carefully and realistically. We require an Adoption Application
(link to the left ) with a letter of reference from your vet, a
home and fence photos and check and completion of our adoption contract with a
liquidated damage clause. Donations are considered gifts and
vary according to your ability, the minimum adoption donation is
in the $200 range. Your generosity is appreciated.
We hope you enjoy your visit
and our site!
See other gifts available on Zazzle.
Happy Tails neither breeds, boards nor sells Rottweilers and is NOT classified as a kennel, but
rather as a private charitable rescue sanctuary shelter. Your donations to Happy Tails Rescue are considered gifts and are not for value received. All of the
Rotties are homed with us, rehabilitated, fed, loved and nourished back to good physical, mental & spriritual health so that they may become ready for their
exceptional new homes. About half of the Rottweilers that come to us will remain in our Sanctuary.
Adoptions are by appointment only and after you've been approved for adoption. For protection of the Rottweilers, our sanity and in order to minimize stressful or territorial reactions, all
adoption appointments & surrenders are done at our office, or other neutral territory. Your other indoor dogs are invited to attend & participate in the selection of your new family member!
Unannounced visitors are not appreciated and will not be accommodated.
The Rottweilers under our care are here because a human has somehow failed them in the past. We're not interested in "getting rid" of these wonderful animals, our commitment to them is to attract a home that we feel best meets the
needs of each individual dog. Using the information provided, our goal is to suggest which Rotts could be potentially good blends with your lifestyle, energy, time, personalities and other animals. It could be that there are several suitable dogs and other times
there may not be any that we feel would be appropriate.
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Happy Tails Newsletter will be offering exciting training tips, educational, natural health information and specials on our WildCrafted & Natural Farmacy collections, formulated for Mutts & Men, Nags & Hags, Fillies & Friends & Ewe Too! Experience the fragrant botanical and gentle herbal Tinctures, Body Butters, Essential Oils, Salves, Coat Spritzes, Bio Magnetics and more, all with zero harsh toxins and synthetic ingredients.
Find out what your dog might really be saying to you? Can he trust and believe your body language? If you were a dog, would you pass a "temperament test' ? Does your dog respect you or treat you more like a chew toy? Can you really share your Mango Orange Extreme Body Butter with your pooch? Will be share ( or resource guard ) his Yuppy Puppy Coat Spritz with you?
In order to receive our unconventional, wild & untamed newsletters, we need to hear from you.
Would you mind confirming your subscription?
Happy Tails until we meet again!
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Click on this handsome Rott and he'll deliver your Email to us!
Happy Tails Rescue
~ A 501 ( c) (3) Non Profit Organization
Goldendale, Wa
